Soviet Era Weather Mind Control Device

Duga-3 the Russian Woodpecker is located only a few miles north of Chernobyl
There are rumors that this thing caused the Chernobyl Disaster...

The Russian Woodpecker also appeared on the History Channel on That's Impossible as a suspected weather-control device used by the U.S.S.R. (original air date 5/1/2010 10am CDT).

On a BBC Horizon documentary, The Mysterious Mr. Tesla, doctor Andrew Michrowski (the Planetary Association for Clean Energy) speculated that the Woodpecker could in fact be a Soviet mind-control transmitter, imposing on people's ability to think rationally and stay calm (original air date 20 December 1982).



The Russian Woodpecker was a notorious Soviet signal that could be heard on the shortwave radio bands worldwide between July 1976 and December 1989. It sounded like a sharp, repetitive tapping noise, at 10 Hz, giving rise to the “Woodpecker” name. The random frequency hops disrupted legitimate broadcast, amateur radio, utility transmissions, and resulted in thousands of complaints by many countries worldwide.

There is wide debate on what this thing actually did. After the fall of the Soviet Union documents were released stating that this was an antenna for detecting ballistic missiles or a radar of sorts. No one really knows for sure.

Russian Woodpecker
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