2011 - The Story of Citizens United v. FEC

Season Two launches on March 1st with The Story of Citizens United v. FEC, an exploration of the inordinate power that corporations exercise in our democracy.

A Nonprofits & Activism video.

After each of our films, some people have asked the Story of Stuff team if we’re against all business. Of course not! We’re against businesses that prioritize only short term profit at the expense of community and environmental well being. We’re upset with businesses that are flooding elections with corporate campaigns to influence election outcomes to favor their narrow interests. And we think corporations which are aggressively marketing junk food to kids are disgusting.

But there are also lots of businesses we like. We like businesses that are promoting clean energy and safe materials and which respect their workers and host communities. We marvel at those that are applying their amazing design smarts to making products cleaner, safer, longer lasting and more easily compostable and recyclable. And we like those taking a stand for green jobs, climate solutions and a whole range of other things to make the world better.

Archive for the ‘The Story of Citizens United v. FEC’

Category Attention business owners!

The story of citizens united
